QC Economics

Economics Frequently Asked Questions

Office hours and information sources about the program
Class Schedules
What's the significance of the ECO versus Bus prefix on the course listings?
Grade Requirements for Graduation
Credit Requirements for the BBA Program
Graduate School, Internships, Tutorials, and Career Information
Posting of Grades
Course Selection outside the Economics Department
How much time do I need to set aside for my course work?
Academic Integrity
Advising and Declaring the Major
Should I major in economics or business?
Math and Economics
Economics and the BBA
What about BALA?
Finance in the BBA program
Transfer Credits

Office hours and information sources about the program

1.    Where can I get information?

Lots of information is posted on our website. Paper copies of some of the information can be found outside the Department Office in PH300A. The staff in the Economics Department Office can answer many of your questions. The College Handbook should answer many questions. The faculty are always willing to see students and answer questions. Advisement hours are listed on the website. Also refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin.

2.    When are the Economics Department offices open?

From mid-August to end of June: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00 pm.

Summer Hours: During Summer Session II: Monday-Thursday: 8:00 to 5:30, Closed Friday.

See the website for evening advisement hours.

3.    Where can I find course descriptions and pre-requisites?

Official course descriptions and pre-requisites for Economics and Business courses can be found on our website and in the Queens College catalog.

4.    What is the best way to get in touch with my instructor?

E-mail has become the best way, better than by phone. Email addresses are posted outside the Department offices and on the website. Or leave a written note in their mailbox.

5.    What is the best way to get in touch with an instructor who is no longer here at Queens?

First try his or her e-mail address if you have it. If not, consult the secretaries or your advisor and they will try to contact him or her for you. The Department, however, will not give out faculty phone numbers.

6.    Where can I find faculty schedules?

Try the website. Hours are also posted outside the Economics Department Office and on individual faculty member's offices. All faculty, including adjunct professors, have office hours for students. This is your time. Feel free to consult faculty in these hours. Faculty will also make appointments to see you outside of office hours, if necessary.

Class Schedules

7.    Where can I find course schedules for next term?

Look on the Queens College Registrar website http://www.qc.cuny.edu/registrar/schedule/ for the most up-to-date schedule. The schedules are available about four to six weeks before the end of the current term.

8.    Where can I find Summer School Schedules?

The Summer School Schedules are also posted on the Queens College Registrar website http://www.qc.cuny.edu/registrar/schedule/.

What's the significance of the ECO versus Bus prefix on the course listings?

9.    I'm an economics major. It looks like a lot of my courses have changed from ECON to BUS Does this mean that I can't take BUS courses unless I'm in the BBA program?

No, of course you may still register for BUS courses such as BUS 241. BBA majors are given priority in the BUS 300 level courses.

10.    I'm an accounting major and I need to take ECON 241. I don't see it in the schedule. What happened to it?

A number of former Economics courses are now Business courses. In particular, ECON 241 became BUS 241. See answer to Question 9 above.

11.    Can I still register for BUS241 even if I'm not in the BBA program?

Yes. See answer to Question 10.

12.    Will all the Business courses count toward the Economics major?

Yes, all Business courses except BUS 385 will count toward the economics major.

Grade Requirements for Graduation

13.    What is the minimum average required to graduate as an Economics major from Queens College?

Transfer students must take at least 15 credits of economics at Queens College. All students must have at least a combined "C" average for ECON 101, ECON 102, ECON 202, ECON 201, ECON 249, and ECON 382. A combined "C" average must also be obtained in the above 6 courses plus the 4 required electives. Only courses taken at Queens College are included in these averages. All courses for the major must be passed with a letter grade of "C-" or higher (no P/NC option).

14.    What is the minimum grade point average required to graduate with a BBA major?

A "B-" average (index of 2.7) or better for all courses taken for the BBA. In the Business Fundamentals and specialization courses, no grades below C- will be accepted.

15.    I retook a course to get a higher grade. How will this affect the calculation of the average grade?

Unlike the college, the department uses the higher grade in computing your major or minor grade point average.

16.    Will a student be dropped from ECON 249, ECON 202, or ECON 382 after receiving a D in MATH 131?

No. A student who received a D in calculus will not be dropped from these classes. Nevertheless, students must receive a grade of C- or better in MATH 131 for it to count towards the Economics major or any BBA major.

Credit Requirements for the BBA Program

17.    What is the Math requirement for the BBA degree?

For all BBA majors except Actuarial Studies, the requirement is MATH 131 (or its equivalent MATH 141, 151, or 157, or AP credit). Actuarial Studies has a much different set of math requirements. See Actuarial Studies.

18.    How many credits in total are required to complete a typical major in the BBA Program?

Of the 120 credits required for the BBA degree, a total of 63 credits are required to be completed to fulfill various parts of the BBA Degree Program. Refer to the appropriate list on the website.

19.    How many credits are required for the economics major?

10 courses in Economics and Business (30 credits), plus MATH131 or equivalent.

20.    How do I declare my major in business?

You must apply for the program. See http://www.qc-econ-bba.org/BBA/BBA_academics.ihtml for a description of the application process. You will not be able to download a concentration form for a BBA major unless you have been accepted into the program and attended an orientation session.

21.    Can a BBA student substitute Philosophy 104 or must that student take a BBA designated section of Philosophy 160?

No. As of fall 2008, students must take Philosophy 160.

22.    Can a BBA major use one course to fulfill two requirements within one major?

No. For example, a student who chooses ECON 207 as a globalization elective may not use it as a restrictive elective. There is no double dipping within the major.

23.    Why is Computer Science 18 no longer being offered?

Computer Science 18 has now been converted to Computer Science 48 and will be taught by faculty in the Computer Science Department.

24.    Can a student complete the BBA program through evening and weekend classes only?

No. A student may not find the complete BBA program through evening and weekend classes.


25.    How can I find a tutor in Economics?

Tutors for various Economics and Business are available at the Academic Support Lab in Kiely 131. See the tutoring page for the current schedule. Private tutors are also available from time to time through the Economics and Business Club.

Graduate School, Internships, Tutorials, and Career Information

26.    Where do I find information about jobs and career for Economics Majors?

The Queens College Career Services office often has opportunities for Economics and BBA majors.

27.    Whom do I see for information about graduate school?

Start with a faculty >advisor.

28.    Does the Economics Department offer credit for internships?

Upperclassmen are welcome and encouraged to take an internship and may be able to receive credit for the internships. The minimum GPA requirement to receive credit for an internship is 3.0. See Professor Wayman for further information.

29.    Can I take a reading and research tutorial on a topic of special interest to me?

Yes! Upperclassmen are encouraged to take a tutorial (ECON 391) under the guidance of an interested faculty member. Such tutorials must be arranged with individual instructors and usually require writing a paper. For example, a 3-credit tutorial will require about 126 hours of work including weekly or bi-weekly tutorial meetings during the semester. If you want to do research, but don't have any particular topic in mind, a faculty member may be willing to have you investigate some topic related to his or her own research. All tutorials must be approved by the Tutorial Coordinator.

Posting of Grades

30.    Where are the grades posted?

We are not allowed to post grades.

31.    Where can I get my grades early (before transcripts are sent)?

If your instructor uses Blackboard, your grade may be posted online. Grades are also available on CUNYFirst.

Course Selection outside the Economics Department

32.    What courses should I take outside of the Economics Department?

a) Strengthen your writing skills in courses such as English 120, 200W and 201W. Good writing skills are essential in economics, business, government, and law. Don't neglect them!
b) Computer Science 18 is required for the BBA program and strongly recommended for Economics majors. You are expected to have a real command of Excel for many jobs. Take it before BUS 241 and ECON 249.
c) Accounting 101 and 102: Required of the BBA students, many Economics majors find that Accounting 101 and 102, Cost Accounting and even Tax are extremely useful, especially for business school and finding that first job.
d) Art, music, communications, history, philosophy, political science, etc. Educate yourself to the fullest meaning of the word. Don't become overspecialized and too narrow. And take some courses because they sound like fun; college should be an enjoyable experience. Knowledge, not just skills, is the foundation of good decision-making.

How much time do I need to set aside for my course work?

33.    How much study time is needed for each course?

The College Bulletin indicates that the normal 3-credit course demands between 9 and 12 hours of work a week. Most Economic instructors design their courses to this standard. Thus a 15-credit course load is equivalent to a full-time job requiring at least 45 hours of a student's time per week! Students who hold jobs should carefully assess the adverse impact of their outside jobs on the quality of their education and their participation in college life, sports, drama, music, clubs, etc. Working more than 15 or 20 hours per week can result in less devotion to school, and therefore, lower grades. In the long run, this may mean fewer skills, poorer jobs, slower advancement, and problems getting into graduate school. Balance carefully your academic program and your outside job. Find alternative sources of funding (parents, scholarships, loans). Reevaluate your expenses. Plan to work summers! College is a full-time job!
If you must work to support a family or yourself, consider taking only four courses per semester. This stretches your stay at Queens from four to five years, but in return you will obtain a much better education, higher grades, and have more fun in the process.

Academic Integrity

34.    Departmental policy on academic integrity and fairness to fellow students. The faculty expects that each student will observe the highest standards of academic integrity. This integrity is violated when (1) a student misrepresents the ideas or work of others as being his or her own, or (2) when a student aids another student in doing so, or (3) when a student misuses library, computer, and other educational resources so as to hinder other students' research and learning. Such violations are unfair to everybody and especially to other students. Violations such as plagiarism, "bought" or "borrowed" papers, cheating on exams and destruction of library materials will result in disciplinary action such as an "F" for the course. In addition, all violations will be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The referral may result in additional penalties, such as expulsion.

Advising and Declaring the Major

35.    Where can I find an advisor?

Generally, students ask one of their Economics instructors to act as an advisor. (This should be a member of the full-time faculty. See the website for a list of advisors.) If you do not want to consult one of your instructors, consult our website to find out when other faculty are available for advisement. Evening students will find a schedule of Departmental Advisors for the Evening Session posted outside the Department Office.

36.    Why do I have to see an advisor each semester?

There are three reasons for this. First, we want to make sure that your course load is reasonable and is reflective of the material that you have mastered. Second, we want to insure that you take the proper course per the department requirements. Furthermore, if you are considering work in a particular field, or continuing your studies in graduate school, we want to insure that you sign up for the proper courses. And third, with the advent of the BBA degree at Queens College, there are many questions about which path to choose.

37.    Do I have to take the courses exactly as I listed on my Major Concentration Form?

No. That it is only a plan. You may change the courses you wish to take for your major simply by consulting your advisor. Don't hesitate to change your courses as your interests change and new opportunities arise.

38.    Where do I get the forms needed for declaring an economics major or minor or one of the BBA majors?

Concentration Forms and Declaration of Major Forms are available. You must complete a concentration form and have it signed by an advisor before you can declare a major or minor. To declare a major in the BBA, you must also be admitted to the program by the Department.

39.    Which course requirements apply to a student, those that appear in the bulletin or the requirements on the declaration of major form?

The Undergraduate Bulletin outlines the degree requirements are those in effect when the student entered the College, while the major requirements are those in effect when the student declares a major/minor. A student might enter in, say, the spring term of 2020, but declare an economics major in fall 2022. The major requirements are those in effect at the beginning of fall 2022, whereas the College degree requirements are those in force at the beginning of spring term 2020. In both cases, changes to the Bulletin which have passed the Academic Senate between the time the Bulletin was published and the date of entry or major declaration are in force.

Choosing to major in economics or business

40.    Should I major in economics or business?

The BBA program offers 3 focused business majors: Finance, International Business, and Actuarial Studies, within a strong liberal arts framework. The Investments track in the Finance major and the Actuarial Studies major prepare our students to pass the required exams for these professions. For students who are interested in other aspects of business such as management, marketing, sales, operations, human resources and market research, the BBA Degree will not be the right choice; the BBA does not fit everybody. Consider getting your undergraduate BA degree in Economics with a minor in Accounting plus courses from Math, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. At Queens College, you can use our strong liberal arts resources to develop a solid foundation of quantitative, research, writing and interpersonal skills as well as to deepen your understanding of our rapidly changing multi-cultural society and the many global, ethical and environmental issues confronting the decision maker today. For many positions, these are precisely the skills sought by both your first employer and graduate schools. After working for several years, then plan to get your graduate degree. A degree in economics also provides helpful training for other areas of employment, such as government service. Government agencies, like many businesses, hire economists because of our ability to apply economic analysis to interesting policy questions.

For those interested in non-business majors, consider a minor in Business and Liberal Arts (BALA). The BALA minor consists of seven 3-credit courses totaling 21 credits, which may be taken in conjunction with any major. Students who complete the BALA minor will satisfy the Pathways requirement for general education (Individual and Society) and writing-intensive courses. Retention in the Honors BALA minor requires maintenance of a 3.0 overall GPA, and a 3.0 GPA in BALA courses.

The following Economics/Business courses may be useful to Economics Majors wishing to enter business: ECON: 215, 220, 328, 240, 242, and 326, as well as BUS 241, 243, 247, 250, 255, 341, 350, 351, 353, 353, 354 and 384.

Courses in other departments are also useful:
Accounting 101, 102, 201, 202, 305, 311, plus tax courses and business law;
Computer Science 12 or 18, plus other computer experience;
Math 132;
English 200W or 201W;
Media Studies 165.

Since these courses are fairly technical, strengthen your education by also taking economic history, urban economics, history of economic thought and similar courses, plus art, language and literature.

Math and Economics

41.    I haven't had a math course in a number of years. What can I do to refresh my knowledge of the topic?

Any student can easily learn the fundamentals of mathematics by taking one or two of the Math Department's lower numbered courses (e.g., MATH 110 Mathematical Literacy or MATH 122 Pre-calculus) as early as possible in his college career. Some students, even if they received transfer credit for a higher-level math course, especially if taken many years ago, benefit by taking these courses again, even if they do not get additional college credit. These courses give the student the practice and confidence to tackle the required courses: the calculus course Math 131 (or its equivalent MATH 141, 142, 143, 151, or 152, AP credit or transfer equivalent). The calculus course is a prerequisite for ECON 382 Econometrics, and ECON 202 Microeconomics). MATH 116 Mathematics of Finance is useful for some students before taking Corporate Finance.

42.    Which calculus course should I take?

We strongly encourage taking MATH 141 (or 151) over Math 131. There are several good reasons for this: First, it opens up many doors. MATH 141 (or 151) provides access to other courses in Math and Computer Science. Instead MATH 131 is a dead-end. Second, it is a great investment. MATH 141 (or 151) will provide you with the mathematical skills you need to excel in courses such as ECON 201 and 202, and BUS 249, 353, 382 or 386. Third, MATH 141 (or 151) is a pre-requisite for the Financial Modeling Minor, which is a great addition to your Economics major if you are interested in a career in quantitative finance or economics.

43.    Where can I go for additional assistance?

Students wishing further review and practice in graphing and simple algebra as applied to ECON 101 and 102 are encouraged to take our math bootcamp.


44.    How do I earn "Honors in Economics"?

You must have at least a 3.5 index in all Economics courses taken at Queens College. For "High Honors", students must also take ECON 392W and write a senior thesis. See the website for more information. 45.    Is it true that there will no longer be a financial honors track in the Economics department?

Yes, the financial honors track has been replaced by the BBA High Honors in Finance option.

Economics and the BBA

46.    Is the BBA a separate business major?

No, the BBA is a separate degree program which leads to the Bachelors of Business Administration, not a major. In order to satisfy the BBA degree requirements, you must complete a BBA major: Finance, International Business, or Actuarial Studies for Business.

47.    Can I have a double major in economics or accounting and one of the BBA majors?

Yes. Currently a student can double major in BBA and Economics or Accounting.

48.    Could I major in Economics and get a BBA degree?

No. A BBA degree is awarded based on completing a BBA major from the approved list: Finance, International Business, or Actuarial Studies.

49.    Can I get a major in the BBA program, and a minor in economics or accounting?

Yes. In order to receive an economics minor, BBA students must take either ECON 202 or 201 in addition to the BBA requirements. In order to receive an accounting minor, BBA students must take ACCT 201, 305, and 261 or 367 (whichever of the two was not taken for the BBA).

50.    If I have two majors (economics and BBA), does that mean I get two degrees?

No. You would graduate with one degree (either BBA or BA) and two majors. In other words, a student majoring in both economics and finance (BBA) could have a BBA in finance with an additional major in economics or a BA in economics with an additional major in finance.

51.    Can a student use one course to fulfill two majors?

Yes. We have traditionally allowed students that are majoring in accounting and economics to use one course to fulfill the requirements of two majors. Hence, one course could also be used to fulfill the requirements of both the International Business and Corporate Finance majors.

What about BALA?

52.    Could I have two majors in the BBA Program and get a BBA degree?

Only if both majors are BBA majors. You could have a double major, e.g., in Finance and in International Business, by satisfying the requirements for both of the majors in the BBA program.

53.    Could I minor in the BBA?

No. There are no minors within the majors leading toward the BBA degree. If you are interested in a business minor at Queens you should look into the BALA program.

54.    What is the difference between BALA and the BBA?

BALA (Business and Liberal Arts) is a program designed for students who wish to minor in Business within the larger setting of a liberal arts degree. The BALA minor leads to a BA degree. The BBA degree has a larger number of course requirements and requires the completion of an approved major related to business.

55.    Is there any course overlap between BALA and the BBA degree?

Yes. For further information, please visit the BALA website at: https://www.qc.cuny.edu/academics/degrees/dss/bala/Pages/default.aspx

56.    May I minor in BALA and get a BBA degree?

Yes, provided you complete an approved major within the BBA and complete the minor requirements for BALA.

Finance in the BBA program

57.    I see ECO 328 both on the list of globalization electives and on the list of restricted electives for the major? Can it count for both?

No, you must choose to use it in one place or the other; you cannot double count it.

Transfer Credits

58.    How many credits can I transfer toward the economics major?

No more than 15 credits (not including MATH 131).

59.    How many credits can I transfer toward the economics minor?

No more than 6 credits (not including MATH 131).

60.    How many credits can I transfer toward the BBA degree?

You may apply 21 credits toward the approximately 63 credits for the Business Fundamentals including the Society and Ethics or Area Studies Courses. A limited number of those may be accepted in lieu of the more advanced Specialization Major Courses. All grade requirements for the BBA must be met for transferred courses, and you must supply us with a certified copy of your transcript from your original institution in your native tongue. If you are a foreign student, please see one of the specialized advisors identified at the advisement page for credit evaluation.

61.    Do I need to see an advisor about transfer credits if I am transferring from another CUNY school?

Normally, credits from other CUNY schools will transfer automatically. See for information about equivalencies. If you have any questions about transfer credits, see Professor Gabel.

62.    If I am transferring courses from a CUNY school which I need to apply for the BBA, do I need to furnish a transcript?

Yes. We do not receive a copy of your transcript from the admissions office; you must send or bring us a copy.

63.    What if I am a transfer student from a college or university in the US?

The same prerequisites and grade requirements apply. If your courses have been evaluated, then attach a certified copy of your transcripts from the school with your application. Indicate the course equivalences, e.g., QC ECON 101 = MyU BUS 211 along with the grade. If your courses have not yet been evaluated, see Evaluation of Transfer Credits in the College Handbook.

64.    What if I am a transfer student from a foreign college or university?

The same prerequisites and grade requirements apply. But, even if your courses have been evaluated, please one of the designated faculty identified on the advisement page.

65.    How does the calculus requirement figure into the determination of how many courses an economics minor or major must take at QC?

An economics minor must take 12 economics credit hours at QC. An economics major must take 15 economics credit hours at QC. These requirements constrain the number of courses that students can transfer into QC. Calculus is not included in our tabulation of the number of credit hours that can be transferred into the economics program.

66.    How does the calculus requirement figure into the determination of how many courses a BBA major must take at QC?

Calculus is included in the tabulation of the number of credit hours that can be transferred for BBA majors.

67.    What if I have too many transfer credits (at least 5 economics or business courses must be taken at Queens for the economics major; and no more that 21 transfer credits can counted towards a BBA major)?

If you have too many transfer credits, you can fulfill the residency requirement by either retaking one of the courses you have already taken (thereby losing College credit for the transferred course), OR by taking any ECON or BUS 200 or 300 level course (and not losing College credit for the transferred course). Accounting courses, other than those required for the BBA, are not accepted. (Note that the course has to have an ECON or BUS prefix.)