QC Economics

Seminar Series Fall 2005
12:15-1:40 pm





Wednesday 9/21/2005 PH 304 Tony Aspromourgos, Associate Professor, University of Sydney
      "Interest as an Artifact of Self-Validating Central Bank Beliefs"
Wednesday 10/26/2005 PH 304 Gary Mongiovi, Associate Professor of Economics and Finance, St Johns University
      "Franco Modigliani and the Socialist State"
Wednesday 11/2/2005 PH 304 Brad Setser, Head of Global Research and Senior Economist at Roubini Global Economics & Research Associate at the Global Economic Governance Programme at University College, Oxford
      "The Chinese Conundrum: External financial strength, Domestic financial weakness"
Wednesday 11/16/2005 PH 304 Alexander von Lingen, Former official of the European Parliament, Brussels
      "The Principles of the Internal European Market"
Wednesday 11/23/2005 PH 304 Per Gunnar Berglund, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Queens College, CUNY
      "Understanding the Dynamics of the Macro Economy: Model Calibration and Monte Carlo Simulation"
Wednesday 11/30/2005 PH 304 Alain Bourdeau de Fontenay, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Queens College, CUNY
      "Internet as a Critical Infrastructure: Lessons from the Backbone Experience in South America"
Wednesday 12/7/2005 PH 304 Simone Wegge, Assistant Professor of Economics, CSI

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